RBH Investigative Solutions is a full-service investigative agency with experienced, career minded investigators. We specialize in surveillance, but offer many other investigative services as well.
Now headquartered in Sheboygan, Wisconsin after merging with Sheboygan based Lakeshore Investigative Services, we continue to cover ALL of Wisconsin and now have a great network of highly trusted and experienced vendor partners throughout the lower 48 states.
In the United States insurance fraud is estimated to cost $80 billion per year and Medicare estimating fraud in its system costs the government $179 billion per year.
Nearly one of four Americans say it’s ok to defraud insurers, says a survey by the consulting firm Accenture Ltd. Some 8 percent say it’s “quite acceptable” to bilk insurers, while 16 percent say it’s “somewhat acceptable.” About one in 10 people agree that it’s ok to submit claims for items that aren’t lost or damaged, or for personal injuries that didn’t occur. Two of five people are “not very likely” or “not likely at all” to report someone who ripped off an insurer.
One of the most effective ways to determine the validity of claims is through the use of surveillance. RBH offers years of experience and we have worked thousands of surveillance cases over the years. RBH performs surveillance utilizing the advanced techniques and sophisticated equipment, including specialized surveillance vehicles, HD Video cameras and covert video cameras.
We are experts in the art of surveillance, and have thousands of hours of experience conducting successful investigations for our wide array of clients. We go where your subject goes, within the guidelines of the law of course. Whether our assignments are in rural areas, or the big city, our technology allows us to adapt to any surrounding ensuring greater results.
One call to us and we can take care of your surveillance needs wherever it may be
Workers Comp, Disability
Personal Injury, FMLA, Child Custody,
Infidelity, Cohabitation, Employee Monitoring,
Auto Liability, Bodily Injury
and So Much More
Typical Clients
Insurance Companies - Law Firms
Third Party Administrators
Corporations - Small Businesses
Private Citizens - Concerned Spouses
Local, State and Federal Agencies
Concerned Parents - Family or Friends
Banking Institutions
Property Management Companies
Condominium Associations - HOAs